Adding FeedFlare to your B2Evo posts is rather easy.
I presume you have a FeedBurner account in first place. You need to go to Optimize>FeedFlare and check the options you want to enable for FeedFlare for Site. You could enable it for your feeds too if you wanna by checking Feed as well.
Now, browse your website directory’s folder down to skins>/(whatever skin is enabled for your blog) and open up the main.php file.
Now search for <div class="meta">
In it, you should see this as probably the last line before the closing div:
<?php $Item->edit_link( '', '', T_('Edit This') ) // Link to backoffice for editing ?>
Add the following below it:
<script src=" WEBSITE FEED NAME HERE?i=<?php $Item->permanent_url() ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
That’s it. You should be done. If you can’t see it immediately, try pinging FeedBurner and clicking the window icon (next to the RSS icon) in your FeedBurner account page.
In case you still have an issue, drop a comment and I’ll try and help out. Look out for typo’s when specifying your feed name. I got that wrong and was wondering a while why my FeedFlare was not showing up.
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